Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My Way of the Ninja

Between the emo metrosexuals and the juiced up guidos I feel like there has been a rather lack of new role models for our/my generation. So for myself I have been keeping a steady eye out towards the world ready to steal any ability that I wanted in myself. The people that would be scrupled under my careful eagle eyes are Clint Eastwood, Great Teacher Onizuka, and Jack Bauer.

Here are some things I want to be a part of me until the day I am laid to rest.

Never admit to physical pain,
in front of females/or family in which there are people older than you present.

This article is exempt when any of these conditions are met:
  1. A limb has been severed or destroyed.
  2. Your body has been pierced by an object which has left the wound with the size greater than an inch in diameter.
  3. You have been burned with metal/steam/water with a resulting surface area greater than eight inches.
  4. You have a terminal illness and are in the last stages.
  5. Whatever damage that has been done has caused over a pint of blood to be lost.

Never physically hit chicks with my body or with anything held,
so projectiles, and things that launch objects in a non-lethal force are okay.

This article is exempt when any of these conditions are met:

  1. A life is in danger.
  2. Your future lineage is _imminent_ danger.
    Full force is strongly authorized and highly recommended.
  3. She's evil. (Evil has no gender)
  4. She's transforming into a monster.
I feel that these yield long time rewards when followed to the T.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Lately I have started to grow out my hair to an unparalleled length, when comparing to myself. And responses have been mostly positive.
Me: Hey, Grandma! Like my hair?!
Grandma: 看起來像一個小姐. (You look like a girl.)
My response. Awesome. I can be a manly man yet with delicate features. The Asian androgyny is only okay if it's pretty clear you're a man/woman.
Me: Hey Mom! Like my hair?!
Mom: I don't like how it covers your face, makes you look dirty.
I think I asked my mom three different times throughout the night. Every time she said something different, that was negative.
Me: Hey man, haven't seen you in a long time.
Random Friend: Yeah, your hair is really long now... Lookin' like Bruce Lee.
Me: Cool, huh?!
Random Friend: Yeah, makes your big fu*boop*ing head look a lot smaller.
Finally someone has seen through my plan.
Maybe in the summer I'll cut it, then let it grow into the winter. A poor man's clothes.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Prior to the new Twilight/True Blood extravaganza I used to be quite the vampire genre fan. Mainly Buffy, Angel, Hellsing, Underworld, but what sealed the deal was Interview with the Vampire.

No, I did not read the book, which I found out to be heavily leaned towards some of the homosex and almost completely omitted in the film. Yes, I did see Queen of the Damned with the dear late Aaliyah, and yes, it sucked. Aaliyah was hot though. Anne Rice's vampire universe was similar to the Underworld franchise's universe; older vampires are stronger/quicker. So as you age, the stronger and quicker you are. And as a young lad I ate that stuff up like it was the second Dragon Ball Z. Don't pretend at the end of Underworld 2 that you weren't excited to see them fight the ancient vampire and the ancient werewolf!

I always took that to be similar to be in real life. As you grow older, you should become stronger, smarter, and more mature. I have been trying to keep true to this real hard. And it's really funny when I tell people that I have never been better than I am today. And then I am met with an equally humbling statement of "Dayum. You must've been hella dumb/fat/weak/dirty when you were younger."

I know eventually I'll hit a wall and start going in reverse. This physical limitation that will have me one day segway'ing with a diaper on is however absent in the spiritual world. God willing, we can always continue to develop to become that Brad Pitt that kills ten other vampires by himself after they have taken our 10 year old lover.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I used to hate recycling. I was quick to believe the discrediting rumors that the sorted materials didn't even get recycled at the trash centers. Often in my childhood I would be conscripted by my mother for volunteer work, callousing my hands and my heart towards any kind of litter pick up walks. Bitterness was sown deep as I hated a nature that was obvious to be condemned to destruction.

But after watching Food Inc. and Earth 2100--Before I continue, I just wanted to say Earth 2100 was probably one of the best direct-to-tv movies since Uprising. And I only liked Uprising because it was about Jews and Nazis, and it had the guy from Friends...and they had cool European accents. Anyways, Earth 2100's documentary + grunge comic style story telling reminded me of the game, Infamous and Animatrix at the same time. It's completely believable and a good story. I feel like I have to be part of the solution. Whatever that may be like, I don't know.

The world is on a path to destruction. An industry of meat doomed to implode, a growing frequency of natural disasters, overpopulation, sources of energy, disease, are all problems without even getting into more expressive problems directly created by man towards man(war, tyranny, shi*boop*y mtv). And as I get older I see why it's more and more important to be a man of God. We are unable to face all of these gigantic problems alone.

Without really having read Revelations I don't really want to link it anymore towards the Bible in fear of getting shi*boop* wrong.

Friday, October 23, 2009


I am the guy that never gets things until the very end. Like the Matrix. I was waiting for "the one" to show up and be introduced as a new character. But he never came...until the sequel. Who knew it'd be Neo?!

About after a day has passed after I watched Sixth Sense, I finally understood why Haley Joel Osment could see Bruce Willis; it was cause he was dead!

That is however what gets me to this. America as well as the rest of the 'developed world' loves to push the envelope; yes, I'm slow. It is in everything we do. I guess that's what keeps it interesting, but eventually it'll hit a wall...like now. Pushing it to the limit, so to speak, has often led to revolutionary ways and improvements in terms of life.(Civil rights, woman's rights) Often being able to argue for these 'revolutionary' ideas puts you in a golden shower of praise because there's no way you can really logically argue against it without being a bigot. Except that season has now passed. People continue to look for things to push, but there is no where left for things to move.

I don't understand why homosexuals spend so much time trying to argue for their own rights for marriage, when they can have Civil Unions(Even though in certain states you can get married). So they have to spend a bit more money...than traditional marriages... and forgo a small bit of tax cuts and other stuff.

The infidelity rates for homosexuals is sky high, so they're unlikely to get married anyway. My point is not even focused on this, but I just wanted to point it out. When there are other things going on in the world like, North Korean refugees, every other African country, Chinese censorship, Chinese censorship, that small tidbit for gays seems so minor and the effort is undeserved when compared to those other crises.
Why not have shows on regular TV with graphic sex? America is so tied up and prude! Kids have to know eventually.

When people say things like that, my eyes glaze over. These are usually
the same people that give standing ovations to Requiem for a Dream on the fifth time watching it. Call me an escapist, but I like my movies to bring me some kind of joy. If I want knowledge, I'll watch documentaries. To see the real world, I'll read BBC and the local news. And if I want to be challenged to think; I'll read the Bible and other spiritual mojo. I don't want to see some indie-graphic, cult classic that in reality sucks, cause you wouldn't watch it with your mother.

Don't get me wrong. It was well made, in terms of artistic talent(writing, directing, lighting). But I don't care, at all. It's like putting poop into a cake mix. Might have been the best tasting thing in the world since Manna, but in it is a bunch of shi*boop*.

This post has deviated from the original topic. I actually wanted to talk about a fresh new movie that was at the Cannes Film Festival.
It's also called, Antichrist, despite having nothing to do with the Antichrist or explain it in the movie. A real winner. I'll just leave this out there... as an intro.
The film has also come under attack for its explicit and often disturbing sexuality, including the opening scene showing a toddler falling to its death while He and She have sex on the bed nearby. The film has also invited controversy for its graphic sexual violence. In one controversial scene, She hits His testicles with a wooden plank so hard that it is implied they are crushed...
I just can't believe it won anything even if the actress was awesome(which is what it won). I almost can't believe it was shown, either. The thing that gets me the most is I bet there was some Indie McIndie-douche bag wearing a beret with thick black framed glasses that gave it a standing ovation for five minutes. And then he went home to blog about how great it was.
I should just make a movie of myself dropping a deuce and turn it into a film festival, and I bet that same guy would think it's awesome. And I'd win best actor.

Man, I think I'd be pretty good at smashing testicles with wooden planks too, maybe I should get in on the sequel.

UPDATED: The movie actually gets worse I just censored it because of Twig. Thanks for the heads up though, Twig.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Mon Dieu

There goes not a day when I am behind the wheel in which a fellow motorist would pass me immediately after driving behind me for three seconds. They would then proceed to signal switching, pass me and then go in front of me with their hand outside their window with their middle finger firmly posted up.

However a few nights ago that was not the case. After chilling out at Braums for about two hours I had pigged out on two double dip cones for four dollars. Being lactose intolerant, ice cream has a strange random factor to it in the relationship between the toilet and my butt. Sometimes it'll be a regular anaconda. Sometimes it would be like a rapid fire vulcan cannon from an Apache Helicopter. So about another hour after that, I really had to drop a deuce. So, I was smashing my accelerator through the floor of my car to go home. After stopping at every red light and crying out to Jesus, I finally made it back in time.

Now that I think about it. There has never been a time where my cries to the Lord have been unanswered. Actual, physical cries. Cries from my mouth, in which are usually followed by a train of profanity and expletives describing my situation. The direness of the situations are subjective. However, to me they were the most dire of dire events.
Psalm 22:5(NIV)
5 They cried to you and were saved;
in you they trusted and were not disappointed.

There was another time within last summer that there was a similar situation. I skateboarded to the park to work out on the playground since I'm too lazy to drive to school...even though it's like ten minutes away...if I hit every stoplight.

So, I was at the playground alternating between dips and pull ups. However, I was breathing incorrectly, and I did not realize it until I just finished... I started seeing blue spots and had trouble breathing. That's when it hit me. I had to go to the bathroom, and it would be an upside down volcanic session.

So I forced myself onto my skateboard and pushed about four times before I nearly collapsed and laid on the side of the sidewalk. Fully under the impression that my death was imminent I did not want anyone to know I crapped my pants messily right before then. This was a delicate operation. I couldn't wait too long or I'd deuce my pants. If I pushed too hard, I would faint and then decorate my pants with shi*boop*. A balance to achieve neither from above was required but was a must.

So I prayed to God, with all my might, did a man-roar to God and tore my clothes. I clenched my butt together to prevent any eruptions. I got on my skateboard and pushed about another eight times before I collapsed once again. I shaved my head with grief, said another prayer and pushed about another four times and collapsed. I got on my skateboard and poured oil over my head and skated one last time to collapse in the grass of my front lawn and just waited.

Coincidentally, my dad was working on the roof that day and saw me. After staring at me peculiarly, he went back to hammering. Practically kicking every door in on my way to the toilet I sat on my throne and let myself reign.

Monday, September 21, 2009


In my life's pursuit to be a designer/web/writer person my mother has come under the impression in which I need help. I don't blame her, I would be just as worried if not more. Actually, if I was my mother I would be pretty sure my son is thinking about selling US citizenship through marriage as a last ditch effort to make a living. Of course after the military/reserves/Asia/selling his own organs.

Anyways, for awhile she has been trying to hook me up with a friend she has met while in her volunteering community. Said family friend was an upperclassmen that is now getting his masters and TA'd for a class in the same major as I am. Occasionally, I would see him in the labs or in classes that I would walk into, when I needed their computers. For years I was too caught up doing my own thing to really give it a shot or a shi*boop*. But as I am nearing the end of my college career I do not have many options remaining. So, I decided to follow this lead as to not leave my mom hanging and in my own mind, to give her face. Can't let other people think I disrespect my mother, even though I do. Sometimes.

So last year I called the number she gave me and met up with him and we started to chat. Pretty cool guy, and a resource if I ever really needed more info/or other hook ups I guess. I forgot all about this until my mother started talking to me at the family dinner.
Mother: So I ran into Jason the other day, you remember him?
George: uhn.

Mother: He was talking about how you guys had met awhile back and had some good conversations about your careers.

George: Yeah, he told me a lot of stuff that was good to know in case if I try to pursue a future in art.
Mother: He told me something interesting though.
And that's when it dawned on me what she was getting at... I felt like there was a pause at that moment in time. If my life was anime there would probably be 3 scenes of water droplets hitting a larger pool of water right then. Nervousness and laughter were beginning to build inside me like I just saw Korean History Channel for the first time.
Mother: After your hour long conversation about ATEC and what you wanted to do about your life he asked if you had any important questions... And then after a careful deliberation, you decided to ask him about a girl that was in his class...for like an hour.
George: O_O
Mother: Out of all the things you could have asked him....
So I just responded how I did to all situations I deem really awkward. I calmly looked around a second to my brother and dad then began to laugh like a hyena. I probably guffawed for like a good 10 seconds with some good knee slapping action in there. Then I promptly got up and went to my room. At least, she doesn't think I'm gay anymore.

Monday, September 7, 2009

La Bouche

Ever since I was little, through observation and propaganda, I have always suspected going vegetarian was indeed a better lifestyle. In the epic movie, Land Before Time, that captured not only my heart when I was little(and now), is about to capture my diet. It captured my heart in that it left a boy refilling his cereal bowl with tears and spending 10 minutes rewinding the film on VHS, within the VCR...to replay it. All the carnivores in the movie are bad guys and terrible fighters no kid wants to be either, especially the second one.

The only problem with being vegetarian is and was getting certain vital proteins and vitamins/minerals naturally. But with the abundance of supplements and ease to get them, it'll only make me wonder and want to take advantage of that crutch! I don't care about eating a pill every other day or so...I know one day I'll be poppin' calcium pills cause I'm lactose intolerant. Might as well get used to it now and pretend it's Vicodin...or just mix some Vicodin in there.

While it may seem strange to rely on a pill for some part of your diet, let's not forget a lot of the processed meat we ingest is also sorted through an assembly line and packaged, just like pills. The animals are just as engineered as the pills are...if not more. There's just a lot of blood and screaming PETA people with the second part.

Genesis 1:29 (New International Version)

29 Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.

We were originally made to be vegetarian, when we were at Adam. But if humans were able to live back then to almost 1000 years old (Methuselah) they obviously got everything they needed in their diet...or maybe it was just God's blessings. But it makes me wonder about the difference in our bodies between us and Adam. Did Noah and his kids have the meat eating teeth while all the other sinners were 'naturally' selected in a great flood that resembled a great toilet flush? Did their appendix do more stuff than ours?

Whatever the case. This much,
may be true...
  1. Humans are able to eat meat and digest it. Not in large amounts though.
  2. We have teeth similar to carnivores, for tearing or gripping meat.
  3. Most of our teeth however are designed for chewing, like herbivores.
  4. Our appendix may once have been a stomach that was used when we were herbivores.
  5. God has decreed that we can eat meat in the same way that we eat veggies and fruit. Therefore it is not a sin to eat meat.
While researching the above was taken from here. Or it could just be as God says in

Genesis 6:3 (New International Version)

3 Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years."

Monday, August 3, 2009


This word was quickly learned often used. Most frequently it would be the response to a request for help, a plead to borrow something(money), and a proposed agreement or rendez vous. Nope.
Friend: Hey George, can I borrow this program for my homework--
George: NOPE.
Friend: But it looks like it's been sitting here awhi--
George: NOPE.
Friend: Look, it's so dusty!
George: NOPE.
This got me thinking. In my selfish pursuit in which I have entertained everything I have enjoyed and wanted, which has been illustrated by this past summer I have realized something. When I am left alone to do what I want, all of my pursuits are in what I want. While it is not the first time this conclusion has been formed it has reinforced my opinion.

Without God there is nothing I can do correctly.
And that man is naturally sinful.
This got me thinking once again. Which made even more sense in terms of circumstances. In a previous article, I have mentioned my random thoughts that I like to bring back to the Bible... Well, here it is again!

The above is exactly why Communism does not work. Through our sinful nature we are too tempted to carry out our own pursuits and ambitions. If we have to do assigned work for the greater good for the rest of our lives and have nothing to show for it as an individual, we are not going to give it our all.

In fact, I would be willing to say people would not give a flying kite about who they would have to hurt and corners they'd have to cut for some extra change. Who wouldn't do what they had to do for wealth well deserved if the system was not rewarding? Let's say...maybe putting cardboard in meat filled buns, poisoned milk, toxic toys, dry walls that emit toxic fumes...--Oh wait, those have already been done.

While doing research, the cardboard buns was a hoax...allegedly.

Actually...why do that when you can go full blown illegal and carry out what is probably considered crimes against humanity?! What is making even sweeter money is the vast black market of human trafficking, and organ harvesting.

While their creativity is disappointing it doesn't exclude or help the fact that their country does not reward ingenuity. Who wants to spend millions of dollars creating software that will be stolen, decompiled and remade under a different logo within a day? Until China becomes more lax about their laws it will only get worse and their executions more frequent.

The pollution, the crime, and the dream of super try-harding(pooping your pants while sitting under a stage for 12 hours) are all part of the reasons I refuse to be called Chinese. Taiwanese represent.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Things that Make me Smile

To counter my debbie downer article I feel that I must uplift the atmosphere with a quick list of things that make me smile. When these things happen, know that if I have a sour face on I am most definitely having a party inside. It would not just be any kind of party either. This would be like a wedding, banquet, paint ball, and eating yogurt all at the same time.

Sudden Random Violence
  • After viewing it for the 1000th time it has lost some effect. But I did realize early on that this kind of humor would always be a part of me despite if what I found funny was meant to be or not.
Expression of Extreme Anger (around 1:40-2:45 is the best part)
  • I think this is one of the reasons I am so good at making people mad, online. I for some reason like to make people I don't like, mad. That sounds a bit sadistic and shows a lack of character in my part. But it feels good. Doing it in person, of course, is not nearly as fun, for I may end up in a dumpster, naked.
  • I think in part, I also like to see how people express their feelings, even if they're sad. It is a part of my human inquisitiveness, I suppose.
The Smell of New Paper
  • The only thing that beats the smell of a new car, or a new house.
  • In elementary school when the teacher would pass us our freshly printed out tests, before I failed them I would sniff it until the examination was over.
Other things but not exclusively in any order... girls, food, fat money checks, dancing, new dumb rap music, girly music, and speaking mandarin with _native/fluent female_ speakers. (For the love of God, please be fluent. )

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Things that Piss Me Off

Over the years as I age correlations have been consistently been proven in what pisses me off. What started off as tiny aberrations and irritating flickers have bottled up inside me until I can barely control myself. When any of these happen please do not be around me for I fear you will see me grab the nearest sharp object and jab my own eyes out after I tear out my ears.

People clapping while watching movies or sports(on TV) .
  • Why do people do this?! It is highly unlikely that anyone that had anything to do with any of what you are watching will hear your clap and appreciate it.
Small innocuous sounds that take the place in the following
  1. Flossing
  2. Any kind of noises that result from sucking or blowing through the mouth/teeth in an effort to clean it(usually after a meal).
  3. Chewing lip-smackingly loudly
I don't understand why. Maybe I have repressed memories of being beaten and taken advantage of in a basement for weeks by a sex offender named "The Flosser", who used to suck and blow to clean his mouth while he beat me up. Which explains why noises like these send me into a fit of blind rage. After a few plucks of string or sessions of mastication I will have lost all memory after that. I would then wake up on a pile of bodies and a mouth full of dried blood that did not belong to me and most likely naked.

Java, the object oriented programming language.
  • I suck at Java and taking a class without doing the pre-reqs to introduce it all has sucked all the joy from my life. Food tastes of ash, and I get lazy eyed while riding roller coasters because of it.

While minor in all aspects for some reason these things make me cuss out popes, and toddlers as well as yelling at hamsters.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


I used to have an internship for sticviews. It was a cushy job in which I sat on a chair for a little less than half of a work day for less than part time. The pay was not significant but the experience was great. The laxity of the environment often made me want to test the boundaries. This would be illustrated by going to work with an old wife beater I wore when I went to sleep after my wisdom teeth wore removed. While rolling into the parking lot wearing a butcher's apron, also known as my tank top, sporting aviators, with my windows rolled down and gangster rap blasting, is how I envisioned my employers seeing me.

As proud as I was about finding my own internship on craigslist, the source of all happy...endings, I had to tell people what was going on.

George: Dude. Guess what. I got an internship.
Friend: Where?! Paid?
George: Yeh. sticviews.com, I work with these two guys, they're pretty cool.
Friend: Oh...So what is it about, what are you doing?
George: I help them with their images and stuff... The website is about selling any kind of images on vinyl or posters and stuff... and then they can be attached to walls and cars for a long time and with stand weather/time.
Friend: So...you're working for people that are...selling stickers. And...manage their files...like a secretary... How much you get paid?
George: Umm... yes. Around 7.
Friend: 7?! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL--SUCK!..anyways. I don't think stickers are very lucrative...-- well I'm sure your bosses know their market better than I do.....................................................................................................................................................

So after that discouragement and fact that George helps sell stickers, a bit of mockery and affliction of teasing was sprinkled upon me in forms of torrents that would sweep me to my drowning. The very irony is that I would recommend my friend for another position that would open up a few months later. After I no longer had hours at that job because I ran out of work to do, my friend was hired. My friend, who I'll refer to FWGTJ(Friend who got the job), had a bit of a different turn out.
Friend1: Guess what everyone?! FWGTJ has an internship!
Friend2: What is it?
FWGTJ: It's kind of like--
Friend1: STICVIEWS. It's like stickers that can go on anything, and last a long time!!
Friend2: OMG You're gonna be a millionaire!
FWGTJ: I don't know about tha--
Friend1: NO. You are gonna seriously make it rain. SO COOL and such a good idea!
George: ...
Friend2: For real. SoOo innovative and versatile.
George: ..........................................

All joking aside. I am grateful for the job and experience.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Apprendre Deux

If I asked myself at the age of 16 what I would be like at age 22 I would have said these things...
  • With Child. (Accidental)
  • Widowed. (Intentional...JK)
  • Married.
  • Have lots of weapons.
  • Really ripped with tattoos/ear rings.
  • Not in the states.
  • Tight with my families.
But I can proudly and shamefully say I am and have none of those. If there was a zombie invasion I probably wouldn't live. I don't know how to survive in the wilderness. I have almost zero home maintenance and auto-mechanic knowledge. I don't play any instruments or sports. I am far from the man I want to be. But that in a nut shell was not the real problem. A lesson I learned long ago that never made sense has been coming back.

Before you can take care of yourself you have to look to the Lord. Look to the Lord and he will give you all your heart's desire. Or something like that... I have come far from low self esteem to super narcissism where I can't stand for things to not be about me.

Shouldn't Rec Week have been about improving my spirituality?

Shouldn't it have been about making me better and giving me guidance so I could get my 16 year old aspirations?

--Nope. Well yes, but mostly no. How do I make my life more about Jesus? Bringing glory to him, being in love with him and spreading his love 'like Johnny Appleseed' are supposed to be the staple. But like radiation to affecting ordinary people, results may differ. The super human powers are different each time. Strength/Agility/Telepathy...throwing explosive cards. Anyways. How that looks in everyone's lives will be different and that's what makes it hard to find out what it is for ourselves individually.

So what's there to do? Nothing but pray. Prayer is like the aphrodisiacs you give your spouse during dinner/pre bedtime. Kind of a chore to buy the chocolates/clams but you don't want to leave it out. Then you forget to give them any credit when it works. And you only go to the trouble when there has been an incredible dusty dry storm that few from the Great Depression will ever remember.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


First off, I must apologize. I feel like lately I have abandoned the few loyal readers I still had. Even worse, they were faced with the same lame articles for weeks!

Recently I was at Rec Week (Christian Retreat) and learned quite a bit...
Besides a summary of most of the Old Testament and comparisons to modern day soap operas I also learned a bit of myself.

1. I don't like it when things are too happy.
  • Ever since I was little conflict was always in my life. Whether it was between my mom and my dad, me and my bro, me and peers, the noise of conflict was always soothing. Instead of white noise machines, and recordings of beaches, I prefer to listen to blood curling battle scenes from Gladiator, Saving Private Ryan, and random episodes of Jerry Springer. On loop is the only way to watch these things of course.
So what do I do when that happens? I have to stop it! I have to disrupt it... I think this happens a lot even in my friendships with guys and especially with girls. Every compliment I gave had to be followed by two severe disses.
George: Hey, sweet shoes!
Girl: What?--Really?! Thanks. I got them off (Website).
Girl: ::Smiles:: They had so many colors I regretted buying these for awhile...
George: Uhh.... Well. You should do your hair differently and not wear that dress anymore.
Girl: What!.. Why?
George: I think your forehead is too small to pull off the lots of bangs look... and this dress is not doing your body justice.
Girl: ... Thanks?
George: Yep.
And with guys.
Guy: Sup George?! How are you?
George: What, fag?!
So I think it's something to work on. Like if I have time... It's probably not that important.

2. I have soft hands.
  • I must have gotten like ten splinters in my hands from random anythings... There was wood everywhere; what the hell! I was dribbling a basketball(Shocking, I know.) and I got a splinter. I caught a football and got another. Okay I didn't catch it, but when I picked it off the ground, it was like I squeezed a cactus made of wood.
3. I am grumpy when I am woken up from any nap/sleep.
  • I remember used to living on campus and one time during a nap my roommate poked his head in and started to talk to me.
Roommate: Hey George, we're going to Wendy's, you want us to get you any foo--

Friday, February 13, 2009

Elfen Lied

After recently finishing Lord of the Rings it has gotten me on an elf-mania. I started to look up stuff from the Silmarillion and wikipedia and searched for answers that would give me a better understanding of LOTR. I was also then inspired to download almost every good Lord of the Rings game and beat them. After that I started looking for more games with elves to play and beat those too. Hell yeah, nerding it up.

Elves became most popular because of J. R. R. Tolkien and his attention to detail. Their popularity must have been a huge hit when the books came out. And over the generations it slowly died out and was something that you can't relate to as easily. But things like WoW bring them back. The ever-youthful, clear skinned, agile, asian dressing white people with their song like words with English accents are irresistible. This was all until WoW brought in the blood elves, and they now look Asian... if you choose it to black or brown hair...kind of. I remember when the first movie came out, my English teacher in high school busted a nut over Orlando Bloom. This was a lady that always giggled about Shakespeare's metaphors for the penis. She would often go on for half the period about the naughtiness of 'swords' and what not. Often when I left that class I would remain calm until I stepped outside, collapse then proceed to shudder violently from disgust. I would often bring a pillow cause I shook so violently I'd bang my head on the ground a lot.

Then I realized something after watching Underworld: Rise of the Lycans. Sidenote: If you did not see any of the previous films there will be many things you don't understand. Vampires are the new elves, but derrty. They are the ever youthful, clear skinned, agile, 'fair' creatures that do it a lot. Angel, Spike, Edward Cullen, Dracula, Selene, and Sonja are all examples of the new promiscuous and slutty elves that do it in the derrty dark. Because vampires are immortal and generally set in a more similar world to ours it's easier to be able to bring them into our world as opposed to elves. If need be it's also easier to do flashbacks or just change the time settings to something more medieval. And because of that they are easier to relate to.

Gone are the days when vampires would scare you and make you barf on site. Well...not completely.

Elves in modern day?! Singing songs and shooting arrows does not sound as appealing as they do when they are in a fantasy. The only time I've seen this done well is in Hell Boy 2, and Luke Gross does not sing in it.

This is without going deeper into the more hardcore D&D realms where there's a million other elf races/sub-races. But I would briefly mention Drow Elves are like vampires! Except their allergy to sunlight is less harsh, they don't have to feed and are usually evil?


As I have previously said, I like to read random articles. And being so ADD I love to day dream, and in these dreams I make loose connections. Connections to the Bible, or to my daily life, or both are commonly made.

In boredom I occasionally visit NPR.org for news. And I found something interesting lately. There was once a snake that was three feet wide, and one ton heavy. It also presumably ate crocodiles whole. Scientists think for it to be able to have survived it had to be in a very warm/hot tropical place with an average of 90 degrees. But enough with the snake! What I was thinking was... Maybe Adam and Eve were not tricked so much as coerced. I always thought it was a dinky little garden snake with hypnotic eyes. But once you broke out of it you'd pick it up, wind it up like a sling and smash its brains on some trees.

But no! What if, it was a 42 foot long 1 ton heavy 3 feet wide titanoboa, telling Eve, "BI*boop* you better eat that apple." According to the article as the world grows warmer one day tropical climates would be able to contain such a creature... Which is hella scary, what kind of weapons would you need to fight one of those, much less an army of those.
I once read an article about a civilization that collapsed due to disease. As interesting as it was, it was nothing compared to the comments under it. Disease brought to the Americas have wiped out entire nations. Like most diseases, they come from animals. And while Native Americans and other cultural people lived in the wild there was a distinctive difference in their life styles. They did not have domesticated animals like the Europeans or have such close living quarters with them.

Which brought me to pigs. Pigs in the Bible are considered unclean and for the longest time it weirded me out. Jews too good for bacon?! Pigs carry so many diseases that are transferrable to us. It may also be because we have similar body parts(ie heart/skin tranplants). They also carry a lot of worms.

While Babe and Charlotte's Web has fooled the nation; their intelligence and charm does not fool me! These fat ugly animal's cousin, the feral pig, is one of the 100 most invasive species. Not to mention their subsistence diet means they could eat anything. This is including people, and after that they'd go rabid and become zombie pigs.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Être gai?

Mom: Hey George, come watch this on TV... This boy here was playing games for hours, he wasn't feeling well but continued to play...
George: And then he died, right?
Mom: Yeah...
George: I bet he was Chinese or Korean, right..?
Mom: Yeah. How'd you know?
George: Chinese and Koreans always do that kind of shiet.
Mom: What about Americans?
George: Americans value their qualities of life too much. They're also fickle and hedonistic.
Mom: Which one are you then?
George: Mostly the American...
Mom: Well don't be following all those Americans... doing this and that.
George: Don't worry I wouldn't do anything to myself...
Mom: Don't be doing that...geh stuff either.
George: What?
Mom: You know, 同性戀, gay. Don't be gay.
Few hours later.

George: Do you really think I'm gay?
Mom: LOL No... I just worry about you...
George: About what...
Mom: I don't know. I just think you'll get tricked into doing gay stuff...

That's as close as the translations get. I don't even know what to say. I don't even know what that means. My mom used to warn me everyday as a Freshman in college. She thought I was promiscuous and told me not to touch women that did not 'belong' to me.

And now for some reason she thinks I'm gay.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


I'm not usually one to enjoy movies created by Christians when their intent is making something towards Christianity rather than making an original piece that the general population would feel comfortable watching. I feel like they usually limit themselves in what they can present and tell as a story. But! I recently saw Fireproof. At first when I got invited to see it with a night church I seldom attend, I looked it up and laughed.

Pay 6-8 dollars to see Kirk Cameron? I have spent better money going to Tapioca Shops/Drinks just to see the hot baristas. And even better money when I wash clothes filled with unexpected wallets. A movie made for Christians by Christians are usually prude with the amount possible offensive material (violent, sexual) with minor conflicts that feel out of place in such a progressive time. For instance in the movie the main character has a struggle with pornography, and to demonstrate it shows him trying to avoid the goofiest looking pop up window. I have seen worse things on the Disney Channel (Miley Cyrus Represent). To me, as a struggling ATECH student it just had me laughing. After a good four minutes of me guffawing and slapping my knee I unpaused it.

But that was nothing compared to the stereotyped black women that worked at the hospital. You betta stand yo ground, girlfreend!

On to the good. Besides the occasional goofy script hiccups the premise was something more interesting and more prevalent. In the age of over demanding divorces, in and outside the Christian community, I'm glad there are messages like Fireproof. Before watching it I thought only married people and courting couples would enjoy it. In it however there was something I have been waiting to hear for a long time. Usually I'm against doing spoilers, but I don't think anyone is going to watch it anyways. So if you haven't seen it and plan to, stop reading now.

Don't follow your heart, because your heart can be deceived; you got to lead your heart.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


My new years resolution from last year was met. It was the only one as it will be this year. It was/is to stay alive. So please, no one cause me to stumble or sabotage it. My break was uneventful but unparalleled in relaxation and in selfishness.

I downloaded games and played them for twelve hour streaks and then I would go to sleep for the second night without showering. My brother would return when I woke up in mid-afternoon with my breakfast/lunch. I would sleep when the sun rose. Besides paying the bills for my parents and doing minor errands, the cycle would repeat and the layer of dirt on my skin would relatively rise with the stench I emitted. Those sweet days are over.

School has started. I regret registering for half my classes already. UTD is going through construction; continuing our positive linear relationship of [hate for UTD] vs [time]. Besides blocking all the paths I used to take(increasing my walk time by 10 minutes no matter what), destroying a third of the parking lot I always use (causing it to fill like 30% faster), the strange smell of horse pee from the dirt, and occasional tar, I would say I'm almost okay with it. Except they've been constructing stuff for the past two years.

The only good part is that it forces students to see each other more. Which for me means more hot girls. And dirty smelling guys.