Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Lately I have started to grow out my hair to an unparalleled length, when comparing to myself. And responses have been mostly positive.
Me: Hey, Grandma! Like my hair?!
Grandma: 看起來像一個小姐. (You look like a girl.)
My response. Awesome. I can be a manly man yet with delicate features. The Asian androgyny is only okay if it's pretty clear you're a man/woman.
Me: Hey Mom! Like my hair?!
Mom: I don't like how it covers your face, makes you look dirty.
I think I asked my mom three different times throughout the night. Every time she said something different, that was negative.
Me: Hey man, haven't seen you in a long time.
Random Friend: Yeah, your hair is really long now... Lookin' like Bruce Lee.
Me: Cool, huh?!
Random Friend: Yeah, makes your big fu*boop*ing head look a lot smaller.
Finally someone has seen through my plan.
Maybe in the summer I'll cut it, then let it grow into the winter. A poor man's clothes.


Michael said...

I like it.

Richard said...

Nice... its a coming of age. Every man at some point has grown out their hair long.

Twig Setiawan said...

longboarders gotta have LONG HAIR! :) when I longboard, my hair whoosh whoosh in the wind.. looks cooler ;)

dude, ive been longboarding NONSTOP. im improving now!

Unknown said...

lol, i wanna see XD

Elise said...

loll. hmm..lily and i were supposed to cut it.. hmmm..

and someone rejected us