Monday, September 21, 2009


In my life's pursuit to be a designer/web/writer person my mother has come under the impression in which I need help. I don't blame her, I would be just as worried if not more. Actually, if I was my mother I would be pretty sure my son is thinking about selling US citizenship through marriage as a last ditch effort to make a living. Of course after the military/reserves/Asia/selling his own organs.

Anyways, for awhile she has been trying to hook me up with a friend she has met while in her volunteering community. Said family friend was an upperclassmen that is now getting his masters and TA'd for a class in the same major as I am. Occasionally, I would see him in the labs or in classes that I would walk into, when I needed their computers. For years I was too caught up doing my own thing to really give it a shot or a shi*boop*. But as I am nearing the end of my college career I do not have many options remaining. So, I decided to follow this lead as to not leave my mom hanging and in my own mind, to give her face. Can't let other people think I disrespect my mother, even though I do. Sometimes.

So last year I called the number she gave me and met up with him and we started to chat. Pretty cool guy, and a resource if I ever really needed more info/or other hook ups I guess. I forgot all about this until my mother started talking to me at the family dinner.
Mother: So I ran into Jason the other day, you remember him?
George: uhn.

Mother: He was talking about how you guys had met awhile back and had some good conversations about your careers.

George: Yeah, he told me a lot of stuff that was good to know in case if I try to pursue a future in art.
Mother: He told me something interesting though.
And that's when it dawned on me what she was getting at... I felt like there was a pause at that moment in time. If my life was anime there would probably be 3 scenes of water droplets hitting a larger pool of water right then. Nervousness and laughter were beginning to build inside me like I just saw Korean History Channel for the first time.
Mother: After your hour long conversation about ATEC and what you wanted to do about your life he asked if you had any important questions... And then after a careful deliberation, you decided to ask him about a girl that was in his class...for like an hour.
George: O_O
Mother: Out of all the things you could have asked him....
So I just responded how I did to all situations I deem really awkward. I calmly looked around a second to my brother and dad then began to laugh like a hyena. I probably guffawed for like a good 10 seconds with some good knee slapping action in there. Then I promptly got up and went to my room. At least, she doesn't think I'm gay anymore.

Monday, September 7, 2009

La Bouche

Ever since I was little, through observation and propaganda, I have always suspected going vegetarian was indeed a better lifestyle. In the epic movie, Land Before Time, that captured not only my heart when I was little(and now), is about to capture my diet. It captured my heart in that it left a boy refilling his cereal bowl with tears and spending 10 minutes rewinding the film on VHS, within the replay it. All the carnivores in the movie are bad guys and terrible fighters no kid wants to be either, especially the second one.

The only problem with being vegetarian is and was getting certain vital proteins and vitamins/minerals naturally. But with the abundance of supplements and ease to get them, it'll only make me wonder and want to take advantage of that crutch! I don't care about eating a pill every other day or so...I know one day I'll be poppin' calcium pills cause I'm lactose intolerant. Might as well get used to it now and pretend it's Vicodin...or just mix some Vicodin in there.

While it may seem strange to rely on a pill for some part of your diet, let's not forget a lot of the processed meat we ingest is also sorted through an assembly line and packaged, just like pills. The animals are just as engineered as the pills are...if not more. There's just a lot of blood and screaming PETA people with the second part.

Genesis 1:29 (New International Version)

29 Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.

We were originally made to be vegetarian, when we were at Adam. But if humans were able to live back then to almost 1000 years old (Methuselah) they obviously got everything they needed in their diet...or maybe it was just God's blessings. But it makes me wonder about the difference in our bodies between us and Adam. Did Noah and his kids have the meat eating teeth while all the other sinners were 'naturally' selected in a great flood that resembled a great toilet flush? Did their appendix do more stuff than ours?

Whatever the case. This much,
may be true...
  1. Humans are able to eat meat and digest it. Not in large amounts though.
  2. We have teeth similar to carnivores, for tearing or gripping meat.
  3. Most of our teeth however are designed for chewing, like herbivores.
  4. Our appendix may once have been a stomach that was used when we were herbivores.
  5. God has decreed that we can eat meat in the same way that we eat veggies and fruit. Therefore it is not a sin to eat meat.
While researching the above was taken from here. Or it could just be as God says in

Genesis 6:3 (New International Version)

3 Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years."