Saturday, September 13, 2008

Story Dump

Right now I am currently working on another project and it is eating all of my creativity! But to keep readers truly entertained, I will share some of my favorite stories as the days go by.

Snow Globe
In my freshman year of college I was very open and to hanging out with pretty much anyone. So I accompanied my friend, Anthony, to his friend, Josh's apartment during my free time. We were chilling, checking out his room, admiring how his Cantonese roots have decorated his room. He was wealthy. Binders of burnt games/DVDs/CDs, ace-load of food, condiments, Chinese calligraphy scrolls, jade mini-statues, books, and mysterious files enclosed most of his room except the entrance/exit and the door to the bathroom.

As they were working out their business, and asking for notes/quizzes I fooled around with his trinkets and toys. I must have had a heavily enriched diet that afternoon, because I was very hyper.

I saw a beautiful snow globe on the bottom shelf of one of his cabinets. I picked it up and shook it lightly. I knew if my best friend was there, he would have said I was the biggest pussy cat in the entire Animal Shelter. He would also add that a quadriplegic 10 year old girl would be able to shake it harder than that.

I began to shake it harder and faster like the heaviest salt shaker that had no holes for salt to escape. This would not do, I thought.

So I stood up and widened my stance, slightly wider than shoulder-length apart with my knees, bent and did the most exaggerated vertical dice throwing motion. If Anthony or Josh were close enough they may have been knocked out by my semi-diagonal uppercutting trajectory.

They turn to me dumb-founded as I repeatedly created and kept the biggest blizzard that snow-globe's community has ever seen!

STOP!!! What the hell are you doing!
Josh took it from my hands. He frowned. I frowned. Anthony was shocked. My snow-globe-shaking-party was over.

Josh: Why the hell would you do that?!

Me: Why wouldn't I; it's a snow globe...

Josh: No, it's not!!!

Wha? What's this FOB talking about? I thought. I looked closer. Slowly and slowly... the snow-flakes were no longer snow-flakes... but rocks, and pebbles. The trees were no longer trees, but algae. I had just shook the shi*boop* out of an ecosphere. My tone was soon apologetic, after Anthony explained to me what it was. Meanwhile...

Josh: Oh my God, they're all gone... all dead! As I felt like a murderer, I took it from him and we all examined my infliction of a natural disaster. One by one, those red shrimps surfaced through the debris.

See, no biggie... I said as I sighed with relief.

Josh: There's supposed to be 7! There's only 6!

Oh God.


Richard said...

LOL. you owned him.

Michael said...

lol. now i want an ecosphere.

Scott said...

this made my day. or my week...

Elise said...

oh wow...hahahahaha