Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Dad: So, I've noticed you've been helping your mom cook.
George: Yeah, I thought it was about time I started t--
Mom: He's just hungry, that's why he helps. Notice he never helps before 12:30, or 6:30.
George: ... I also thought* I'd make things easier for y--
Mom: And he likes to cut things up...
Dad: oOoh.
George: ...Why do we have to eat so late? T_T

Monday, August 9, 2010

gee tee eff oh

Mom: Let's make a deal.
George: Nope.
Mom: You haven't even heard what I'm going to offer.
George: Nope.
Mom: Anyways. If you don't get a job before next year, I want you to leave Texas. Go to California, Taiwan, Seattle, or Maryland. I don't kur; get a job.
George: Wait, why do you want it before next year?
Mom: No reason...
George: Wait a second, that's when you have to update your insurance. You want me to lower your insurance!
Mom: ...--I got to cook dinner.
How mighty will the Lord be to mightily save...