As proud as I was about finding my own internship on craigslist, the source of all happy...endings, I had to tell people what was going on.
George: Dude. Guess what. I got an internship.
Friend: Where?! Paid?
George: Yeh., I work with these two guys, they're pretty cool.
Friend: Oh...So what is it about, what are you doing?
George: I help them with their images and stuff... The website is about selling any kind of images on vinyl or posters and stuff... and then they can be attached to walls and cars for a long time and with stand weather/time.
Friend:'re working for people that are...selling stickers. And...manage their a secretary... How much you get paid?
George: Umm... yes. Around 7.
Friend: 7?! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL--SUCK!..anyways. I don't think stickers are very lucrative...-- well I'm sure your bosses know their market better than I do.....................................................................................................................................................
So after that discouragement and fact that George helps sell stickers, a bit of mockery and affliction of teasing was sprinkled upon me in forms of torrents that would sweep me to my drowning. The very irony is that I would recommend my friend for another position that would open up a few months later. After I no longer had hours at that job because I ran out of work to do, my friend was hired. My friend, who I'll refer to FWGTJ(Friend who got the job), had a bit of a different turn out.
Friend1: Guess what everyone?! FWGTJ has an internship!All joking aside. I am grateful for the job and experience.
Friend2: What is it?
FWGTJ: It's kind of like--
Friend1: STICVIEWS. It's like stickers that can go on anything, and last a long time!!
Friend2: OMG You're gonna be a millionaire!
FWGTJ: I don't know about tha--
Friend1: NO. You are gonna seriously make it rain. SO COOL and such a good idea!
George: ...
Friend2: For real. SoOo innovative and versatile.
George: ..........................................